Monacor DT-25N

Test Monacor DT-25N

Datasheet ©
Measurements in DIN baffle in 70cm distance at 2,83V. Level scaled to 1m

Monacor DT-25N

Monacor DT-25N sound pressure (dispersion)

Monacor DT-25N frequency response

Very good linearity. Full level from 1,8kHz (exception blue). High efficiency (94dB / 2,83V). From 3kHz low dispersion, below that up to + -2dB. No problems are to be expected with separations> = 2,5 kHz.



Monacor DT-25N impedance (dispersion)

Monacor DT-25N impedance gear

No disturbances recognizable. The different pronounced impedance peaks indicate different quantities of ferrofluid.

From 3kHz almost congruent course.



Monacor DT-25N sound pressure at angles (15 °, 30 °, 45 °, 60 °)

Monacor DT-25N frequency response at angles

Monacor DT-25N shows a good and uniform directional characteristic.

Monacor DT-25N decay behavior

Monacor DT-25N decay behavior

Overall smooth and fast decay over all frequencies.

Monacor DT-25N harmonic distortion

Monacor DT-25N distortions
The gray line corresponds to 1%
From 3kHz low harmonic distortion. If separated by 3kHz, K2 stays well below 1%. K3 rising sharply below 2kHz, practically not available. Higher order clutter components are negligible. The measurement was carried out at 95dB / 1m.


Frequency response / directional behavior:4 5 out of stars
Range:3.5 5 out of stars
Power handling:4.5 5 out of stars
consisty:3.5 5 out of stars
Haptics:4 5 out of stars
Price-performance:4 5 out of stars


Monacor DT-25N is a really great little tweeter. Can be used especially in confined spaces such as d'appolito arrangements or eg Direct HA Edition.

DT-25N can be loud, usable from 2,0khz with an efficiency of 94dB / 2,83V.
In addition to increased efficiency, the "croissant" also offers very good contact protection.
The downside is the spread below 3kHz. Hence my recommendation of a separation> = 2,5kHz.

Unfortunately DT-25N was not spared the price increases of many neodymium tweeters. Nevertheless, it still offers a very good value for the price.


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