
Test Scan-Speak Discovery D2604 / 833000 with WG PCT-300 / WG-300 26mm dome tweeter 4 Ω with waveguide

Datasheet ©
Measurements in 20x40cm baffle, 10mm rounded, in 70cm distance at 2,83V. Level scaled to 1m.

The Waveguide was milled with a CNC adapter plate  mounted on the tweeter.


Directivity horizontal (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60° & 90°) & Impedance


... normalized to 0° (sonogram)


Due to the waveguide, system-induced symmetrical peak from 1-10kHz.
Extremely uniform directivity without significant interference. In the main very close to "Constant Directivity". The slight widening around 2,5kHz can be equalized by skillful choice of the midrange and its filtering.

Burst decay


Overall, very smooth and rapid decaying over all frequencies.

Minimal delay in the super high frequency> 15kHz.

harmonic distortions (90-105dB / m)


K3 remains at <xnumx% at="" all="" measured="" levels,="" even="" xnumxdb="" m=""> 105kHz, and is largely independent of the excitation signal.</xnumx%>

K2 rising evenly with increasing level and exceeds the 1% mark appreciably only at levels> 100dB.



Frequency response / directional behavior:4.8 5 out of stars
Range:5 5 out of stars
Power handling:5 5 out of stars
consisty / without rating:0 5 out of stars
Haptics:4.5 5 out of stars
Price-performance:5 5 out of stars


The reader may have noticed one or the other similarity to the Peerless DX25TG09-04 (Vifa XD-270 F/4) with Waveguide ...

The Scan-Speak is practically equivalent in all respects. It measures on axis a touch more restless, can play minimal louder, could probably be crossed slightly deeper, .
In terms of "dome tweeter with waveguide" remain, realistically, nothing to be desired. Very broadband usable, extremely low-level distortions and in terms of directivity close to the ideal ...


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